Airsoft Piston Weight to Avoid Pre Engagement

Airsoft Piston Weight to Avoid Pre Engagement

better efficiency = more than fps and rof, yes? only short stroking is better for more ROF, yes?

oh, and corvid: some say that a brusk but stiff spring can actually increase ROF cos information technology springs dorsum (meh) faster than a weaker spring. ;) documented comparisons? none that i've found and then far :huh:

I won't comment on FPS (don't desire to exhume the zombie of FPS/piston weight!), but RoF I volition. In my opinion, the RoF increase really isn't worth talking nearly. Half a round per second possibly, less I'd say. But that's not really what Swiss cheesing is for... If the spring "springs dorsum faster", it makes no departure whatsoever to the RoF. The just style information technology could, is if the piston gets released earlier (AKA curt stroking, a totally dissimilar issue). If the piston moves back to rest very chop-chop (don't fifty-fifty remember nearly mentioning FPS :D), it has still been released at the same point, and the sector gear volition have to come round the same altitude again to pick it upward again.

SO… if the piston comes to rest instantaneously, fair play: you can kiss all premature appointment problems adieu, that's a fleck of a "holy grail" type scenario. If the piston takes too LONG however, it won't do Anything to the rate of burn... All that will happen is that the sector volition make contact with whatsoever teeth are there at the time. Worst-case scenario, that means the sector picks up the piston a few teeth too soon, and jams/chews the piston teeth upwards/breaks gears. That's when having a polycarb piston as the weak link helps, peculiarly when you've got a overnice new £50 high speed gear set in there! Then in curt, using a stiff jump to brand the piston "spring dorsum" faster only really serves to reduce the gamble of premature engagement (which, don't get me wrong, IS absolutely essential in a high speed ready-upwards). It will of course decrease the RoF of the gun if simply thrown direct in: a stronger spring will take more than effort and therefore fourth dimension to pull back. Non then much of a problem with a decent motor though...

Short stroking is dissimilar... equally you are removing "X" teeth from the sector, the piston gets released "X" teeth earlier. That ways yous WILL see a slight RoF increase. The more teeth you lot remove, the greater the increment. Just it does come at a cost: the piston doesn't get back equally far, so you will meet a slight FPS drop. Using brusk stroking as the primary way to increase your RoF considerably isn't that proficient an thought, but it does have its uses and is a vital role of very fast set-ups, or those having bug. Because the piston is released before, it hasn't got as far to travel to come to residue. Plus the sector now has to spin all the way circular once more (plus one tooth altitude) to pick it up again.

Then... if you took say two or so teeth of the sector, and used a stronger spring to compensate for the FPS loss, you lot'd be able to RUN that piston at a far higher RoF: not only is it coming forward faster and therefore existence cleanly engaged past the sector, but the piston doesn't have as far to travel, giving it more time to come to residue. Combine that with a perfect angle of date between the sector and pickup molar and a lighter piston (less mass, higher acceleration forwards from stiffer jump), and yous take (in theory at least :P) a adequately reliable set-up as far as the piston is concerned. Oh, and all that does assume you've removed the second and third teeth from the piston... thats a bit of a given really.

I'm sure Water ice or i of the other loftier speed Gurus will pop in at some point to back me up (or right me every bit the case my be!).

EDIT: Equally for the "lighter piston increases RoF" issue, I hereby promise to properly investigate this as soon as I get my M4 going again. I demand to do just most everything its possible to exercise to an AEG to it, so I'll practice some tests while I'm in in that location.

Airsoft Piston Weight to Avoid Pre Engagement

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